Chinese was alright. Did a compo but well, wasnt really concentrating. Was thinking about the history test and the type of questions that may come out. I think my compo is stupid, wrote about some senior who was kind, helpful and honest, oh well. I faked it X:
History was alright. But this time, i was really paying attention and listening attentively ;D I
Next was break. Nothing much, i ate nasi lemak and milo LOL. Then after that went to our secret hideout and talked.
We cooked chicken stew for home econs. Our chicken stew tastes very very nice (just that its too salty) ;D The other group said the stew was very not nice, but i think its super nice ;D Because we got a better teacher XD So yay, home econs is the best lesson of the whole year. I don't like it at all. I love it. :}
Then it was geo. Heh, i passed the test ;DD But i only got 14/20 and thats sad bacause i thought it was very easy zzz. Hmm, but for overall, I got an A1! And thats the only subject that i do well for this year, and that's sad ><"
Last lesson, maths. Went through the maths paper which i got 19/30. If not for the statement and rounding off fault, i would have got 21 marks argh. Didnt have much to do so i just doodled. Yay, i finished doodling the third heart (:
School ended. But the history starts at 3.30 so it was really stupd X: The PC-cube went mac to dine and mug for history before going back to school for the test.
Question: Compare the two history notes. Is the source reliable?
Answer : No, the source is not reliable as blah blah. I forgot what we talked about, but its super funny that we laughed so frigging loud that maybe the whole of mac could hear us laughing. Ahahaha. The mugging session at mac didnt really help but made me more confused.
So, yeah well, the history test. It was not really that hard but i just don't know how to answer, so i think its hard afterall. Felt kinda emo after the test, especially when meiling and cheryl were emoing. Tears welled up in my eyes. X:
Bused to jec with them and yeah, talked and crapped all the way there. I saw jeremy there ;D Oh yeah, took neos without meiyu and thats a good thing. Then dined at mac again, talked about alot of stuffs like people and friends, gossiped.
Mrt-ed with cheryl home. Yay, we talked ;DD
YAY. I LOVE ALL MY GIRLFRIENDS OKAY! THEY TOTALLY MADE MY DAY (: cheer me when im sad, hypered together when we're high XD
my parents arent very happy with my results D: